Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hello my name is Ann, my mother just aborted me. I am 24 wks old. I have been growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts me at about 1 1/3 pounds. Since I am almost a foot long (about the size of an ear of corn), I cut a pretty lean figure at this point, but my body is filling out proportionally and I’ll soon start to plump up. My brain is growing quickly now, and my taste buds are continuing to develop. Mommy ate something really sour last night. My lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help my air sacs inflate once I hit the outside world. My skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

The abortion has begun. 
What is an abortion? Mommy chose to have a partial birth abortion. I don’t know what that means. Wow lots of pushing, it is so tight, I want out, someone help me? I feel something warm on the top of my head, something is pulling me, it hurts. Someone help me. I am so cold, ouch that hurts really bad my back and neck feel like they are on fire. I need to breath, someone help me. I can’t breathe, it hurts. I am so cold, I don’t hurt anymore. I can’t see anymore, I can’t hear anymore. My heart is not beating anymore, I can’t feel anymore.
I wish mommy had not aborted me. I know it would have been hard. I want to let her know what our life would have been like if she had let me live.

I have dark brown curly hair just like her mom’s. I know that her mom died when she was 16. I don’t know how I know, I just know. My skin is the color of dark chocolate, like my daddies. Why did my mommy and daddy not want me?
We would live in a little house, that’s full of light and color and flowers on the wall. Mom would go to school and let me stay with this lady that lived next door. I will miss mommy every day until she gets home. The lady next door smells like food. She has a son who is bigger than me, but not as big as mommy. We don’t have a lot of stuff like the lady next door but mommy keeps it I real clean. Mommy would read to me every night and she may cry a lot but she hugs and kisses me all the time.

When I turn 5 I would get to go to school. Mommy would have a job now and we have fun when we go to the park and have a picnic. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Mommy, why did I have to die? I love music and like to sing. Jesus says that I have a beautiful voice just like all the other littlest angels here in heaven. But I can see my mom and she seems so happy all the time.
She goes to dances and gets really drunk. She falls down a lot and some guy just beat her up. Why can’t I be there to hug her and kiss her? She yells a lot and gets mad all the time, Jesus tells me it is because she is so sad about not having me with her. I wish she knew Jesus, he can help her, he can make her whole, he can help her forgive herself for not keeping me.

I am really smart and would have been a great doctor, Mom would have to work very hard to help me go to school, but we would have been ok.

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